Introducing: The Persepolis Roof Terrace!

OK – so this may be Peckham’s worst kept secret, but our four-years-in-the-making plan to build a roof garden for your enhanced dining pleasure is finally coming together.

The builders have started. They warned us about the noise…but the dust. OMG the dust. Anyway, no pain no gain and all that.

The plan is to move our current office to accommodate two ground floor loos (one for disabled users). And to reinforce the current staircases and knock through a doorway on to our very very large, sunny flat roof. Whereupon we are creating a new space for all users, all seasons, all reasons. It will have a smattering of our trademark silly, but ultimately we are aiming for a fun but relaxing garden feel, with plants and water and… well really what we want is to capture the essence of the amazing mountain restaurants in Darband in Tehran. Obviously we are lacking a river. And trees. And a mountain. But we’ve never let small details like that stop us before.

The possibilities for the new garden are endless. Should we do weddings? Early morning yoga? Shishe pipes? The odd live music event? Well you’ll all just have to watch this space and see…

We are hoping to have you all up there by the end of the Summer. *quietly crosses fingers*