News in Brief

A few random Twixtmas things that we thought you ought to know:

  • We’re open again! We only shut for two days (you can read about it here). Yes – we are even open on New Year’s Day (from around noon, mind you).
  • A lot of you were asking about Persia in Peckham, our first book, over Christmas. Well, it’s being reprinted very early next year. This is kinda cool. We love Prospect Books.
  • Our next pop-up Persepolis at Andersons is on Friday 10th February. That’s your chance to eat as if chez nous The price is £40 per head, and you can book by calling 020 7469 7078.
  • After a lot of enquiries over the last few months, we’re sort of considering doing more catering. So if you want some Persepolis style food, give us a ring or pop in for a chat.
  • Our new year resolution is to start making our own spice mixes. You have our permission to hold us to this.
  • Our other new year resolution is to make the chiller cabinet so profitable that Mr. Shopkeeper simply has to to buy us a coffee machine and some chairs. This requires you all to rush in and buy things. Just so you know.

Happy 2012. Hope to see you soon 🙂