Peckham, One Year On

On August 8th last year Peckham, like many town centres across the country, witnessed the most appalling scenes of feral violence and greed. Yes: nearly a year has passed since the riots.

We were in our shop at the time, and it was terrifying. We have written about it here and here (you’ll need to scroll down a bit). But we’re not going to dwell on that.

Peckham always has been an open, warm, friendly community, and in the days after the riots its indomitable spirit shone through, both in the way the townsfolk cleared up and supported those shopkeepers who had been worst affected, and in the visible outpouring of Peckham Love on the Peckham Peace Wall.

On Wednesday by popular demand the Peckham Peace Wall is to be unveiled as a permanent art installation on Peckham Town Square. And our friends at Garudio Studiage (the ones that put Master Shopcat on the map) have produced a limited edition print to mark the occasion: it costs £68.00, and proceeds are to be ploughed straight back into community arts projects. We have one hanging proudly in the shop for your inspection, but you can buy them through Peckham Space.

We also thought we should have a bit of a party in the shop on Wednesday evening. Well, a tea + cookie party, not a dance-’til-dawn party. With a simultaneous Twitter ‘party’. Because last year our customers were so very nice and solicitous of our well-being, both in terms of ringing and popping in, and holding our hand on Twitter all night. So you’ll either pop in, or come and touch base with us on-line, yes? Don’t forget you can follow us here.