Persian smoothies

No – we’re not talking about our male shop staff. Best summer coolers ever, that’s what. The West might just have discovered the marketable power of the smoothie, but Iranians have been making the things since forever. These recipes were both featured in our Summer newsletter this year.


You will need…

  • some chunks of watermelon (rather obviously)
  • handful of fresh mint
  • a handful of raspberries
  • a dessertspoon of honey

Whack it all in the blender with some ice, pour, reposition your deck chair, enjoy..

Melon Melon:

You will need…

  • a cup of melon cubes or balls per person (honeydew or canatloupe)
  • a sloosh of rosewater
  • a scoop of strawberry ice cream

Blend with ice, add a straw, wiggle toes with pleasure