We bring you glad tidings of not one but two pop-up Persepolis dates.
The first one is at Anderson & Co on Friday 22nd June. The menu price is £40 per head, and here’s the official blurb:
We are proud to be able to welcome you along to our sixth event at Andersons. We’ve almost learnt where everything is now, so it’s kind of getting easier.
These events give us the opportunity to have all of our customers round for dinner. And to demonstrate what can be done with all those funny ingredients that we sell. And to shed a little more light on the Persian kitchen and culture. We are not just there to cook for you, although you are very welcome to come along and simply enjoy the food and Anderson’s cosy evening ambiance. We will explain each of the dishes that we cook, and will be on hand throughout the evening to answer any of your queries. We want to offer you a true culinary snapshot of Iran, and it is our hope that you will go away full of ideas of stuff you want to cook/eat again.
We will start with Carrot and Cardamom Soup. Simply because it is delish. A light, tropically Summer soup. This will be accompanied by the Persian classic: fresh herbs, warm taftoon bread and cheese.
The main course will be what is possibly our favourite Persian dish: Bogoli Pulao (which is broad beany rice with dill and saffron), with Ab Gusht – chunks of lamb cooked on the bone in a thick citrusy stock. Most Iranian households eat this at least once a week. There will also be a flageolet bean and mushroom creation for the veggie-vores amongst you.
Pudding will comprise Nan Khameii, an Iranian classic which bears an uncanny resemblance to profiteroles, topped with chilli-spiced chocolate sauce.
The lovely Lisa will provide tea or coffee to wash it all down. And you can bring your own wine.
Befameh – sharm! (which is ‘come dine with us’ in farsi)…
If you are interested, please give Lisa a ring on 020 7469 7078 to make a reservation. Space is limited.
The second pop-up Persepolis this Summer will be at Bambuni in Nunhead on Friday 13th July. We haven’t ironed out all the nitty gritty, but it will be a meze style menu, mostly vegetarian, and cost £35.00 per head. The price will include dessert and tea or coffee. Bambuni is licensed, and purveys some jolly exciting wines and beers. Space is again limited, and the event is already filling up. Call Huey on 020 7732 4150 to make your booking.