Pop-Up Persepolis Newsflash!!

Our next Pop-Up Persepolis is on 30th August and sees us back at the Hill Station in Telegraph Hill. What a lovely venue that turned out to be – we’re really looking forward to our return visit. The menu this time is aimed at carnivores (although there will be plenty for vegetarians) and includes some star items from Mr.Shopkeeper’s grill:

We’ll be kicking off with a trio of dips: must-o-khiar (yoghurt with cucumber, mint, raisins and walnuts), tashi (tahina paste rich with herbs, lemon and garlic), and mama ghanoush (with courgettes). There will also be salad olivieyeh (posh Persian potato salad) and Shirazi bean salsa.

Next up there will be herbed halloumi and home-made minced lamb sausages (or aubergine for veggies).

Then the action switches to the grills, where we will be serving Moroccan marinated souvlakia (pork), jujeh kebab (Iranian chicken with saffron and lemon), and liver with pomegranate and mint. Vegetarians will be offered ghormeh sabzi – a lush casserole of herbs and kidney beans and dried limes. These dishes will be accompanied by bread, rice, pickles and fresh herbs.

Pudding will be a very decadent pistachio and cardamom cake, served with rose kaymak (creamy stuff).

There will be a range of reasonably priced wines and beers specially selected for the occasion.

The cost will be £35.00 a head, and you can book by paying a deposit HERE.

And then on Tuesday 10th September, we are heading to Frank’s Cafe, which is surely the world’s most famous multi-storey-carparked bar.

For our inaugural rooftop gig, we thought we’d take you on a voyage to Veggiestan, which, for the uninitiated, is a not-entirely-real state somewhere in the Middle East where vegetables rule the roost and meat rarely gets a look in.
The meal will be served meze-style, as it is more fun that way and you get to try more stuff. It does, however, mean an awful lot more washing up, so give the KP a cheery wave if you see him.

You will start with warm Iranian bread, fresh herbs and white cheese: a classic Persian appetiser. The herb thing will seem a bit weird to you at first, but trust us: it is the perfect way to open your appetite and aid the digestion, This will be accompanied by a trio of dips: chillied Moroccan style yoghurt, yam + labneh puree, and aubergine houmous.
This will be followed immediately with a pair of quintessentially Middle Eastern salads: spiced carrot and split pea couscous, and a barberry + saffron rice salad.

Next up we have warm spinach fatayer (that’s pie to you), broad beans sautéed with saffron, halloumi and dill, and falafel with tarator.

The main part of the feast will comprise ghormeh sabzi: Iran’s national dish, normally made with lamb but here prepared with taro root (kolokassi). This will be served with steamed rice and Shirazi salad. There will also be gigantes: home-baked baked beans, and dolmeh-ye-kadoo: stuffed courgettes.

Pudding will be similarly be served meze style: pastries and seasonal dressed fruit with kaymak (spiced cream).

Entertainment is care of belly-dancer Polly, aka Mrs. Miggins, and Lenny: drummer supreme.

Franks is fully licensed, so although the event proper begins at 8pm, why not plan to arrive early for a sunset noggin whilst enjoying the stunning views…

The menu is £35 a head, and you can book by buying tickets HERE.

Look forward to seeing you at one or other (or both) of these….