Team Persepolis is Back!

And this time we’re taking on breast cancer.
Guys: meet Lisette. Lisette is one of Mrs. Shopkeeper’s besties. Hell: they’ve known each other since they were about five years old. Lisette is very much Mrs. S’ partner in crime and adventure. If there’s a tree to climb or a zip wire to negotiate, she’s our girl. But last year she faced perhaps her biggest challenge when she got a breast cancer diagnosis pretty much for her 60th birthday. She has come smiling bravely through her treatment. But that’s not good enough really. So Team Persepolis (which will include Lisette) is taking this insidious disease on by walking another 50km across the Kentish Downs this Autumn and raising money for Breast Cancer Now. Do let us know if you want to walk with us. IT IS RUMOURED that even Mr. Shopkeeper is joining the team this time: he lost both his grandmother and an aunt to breast cancer. Last year we did the 50k Easter Challenge and raised nearly £4,500 for The Alzheimer’s Society: we’re aiming to beat that target this time!!
You can donate here