The Peckham Literary Festival in Words and Pictures

Well if you didn’t come along this year, you missed a hell of a party. And that’s just at Persepolis. Equal funs were had up the road at Review.

Our Rumi evening was quite something: musicians, readers, singers…and a dervish. Thanks to her we won’t have to dust the shelves for a week. Good news is that they enjoyed themselves, and so we might be able to do it again.

We had a good old chuckle with former vicar/shop assistant Simon Parke (that’s him behind the till in the photos above), and again with Steve Stack (aka Scott Pack) and his 21st Century Dodos. And then Sian Meades, Chief Slut over at the Domestic Sluttery website, came along and chatted to us about blogging and frocks and things.

Missed an event? Well, the good news is that we have signed copies of most of the books involved in this year’s festival (+ quite a lot of other signed books too) – and they do make great Christmas prezzies. Though unfortunately we were unable to help the man who popped in yesterday wanting a signed copy of Rumi’s poetry…