One of our occasional surveys (alright, this is the first one) of what’s hot in the Persian music world. An entirely subjective chart, based on absolutely no real sales figures or statistics whatsoever. 🙂
We have set this week’s top 5 out in reverse order to maintain the suspense for a little longer.
- 5) Antique, the latest collection from violin-playing, sweet-singing, medallion wearing, part-time heart-throb, occasional film star Shadmehr Aghili.
- 4) Einy Aliek, the latest oeuvre from Lebanese sweetheart Nancy Arjam.
- 3) The Best of Jahan. A mix of pwerful ballads from the late and ever-popular honey-larynxed crooner.
- 2) For the second week running….Shabe Milad, by Omid. No, not that Omid. This one is terrific singer, popular with Iranians and Kurds alike.
- And in the top spot, we have Persian Mix No. 32. Of course it’s got nothing whatsoever to do with the cover….

More thrilling non-statistics coming soon.