The Return of the Persepolis Cook School

DSCF3079Okey cokey. We’ve got the message. Lots of you want to come along to one of our cookery classes. Presumably to watch Mrs. Shopkeeper mutter a lot and drop stuff, ‘cos she’s very good at both of these things…

We’ve got two sessions coming up, both to be held at our nice new neighbours’ nice new cafe: the Cinnamon Tree Bakery has a lot more facilities than we do, and is just 30 metres along the road from the shop.

The first, on Sunday 23rd February, will be a Veggiestan cooking demo and talk, with nibbles to try and a special recipe leaflet to take away. The price is £35.00 a head, and it will run from 3-5.30pm. Ish. Booking essential: space is limited.

The second is a Persian New Year ‘master-class’ (we use the term ironically as Mr.S. just snorts with laughter when Mrs.S. tries to use it in any other way). This will be on Sunday 9th March, and will run from 11am—3pm. It will offer a mixture of demos, hands-on playtime and talk, and at the end of the session we will sit down and eat what we’ve just cooked. There are just six places for this session, so early booking is recommended. The cost is £85.00 a head, or £100.00 with a signed copy of Persia in Peckham thrown in.

You can book for either event by calling 020 7639 8007, or popping in to the shop.